E-Safety for Parents
Technology is now an essential part of modern life. At St Benedict Biscop Primary School we believe that enabling pupils to understand and apply ICT/e-Learning is vital for their ability to function as individuals in this modern technologically based society. The school has a duty to provide pupils with quality technology as part of their learning.
St Benedict Biscop Primary School offers a curriculum that is enhanced by integrating ICT across all subject areas, promoting enjoyment, a personal sense of fulfilment, achievement and the life skills that will help our children thrive in the 21st Century.
As the uses of online technological resources grow, so has the awareness of risks and potential dangers which arise from their use. St Benedict Biscop aims to prepare its learners to be able to thrive and survive in this complex digital world. As part of the Every Child Matters agenda schools have a duty to ensure that the children in their care are safe and educate them in ways of staying safe.
By placing children, young people and families at the heart of our e-strategy, we recognise that learners must have the skills to keep themselves safe in the digital world. This follows the main educational recommendations of the Byron Report (2008) which advises that:
"In all schools, action is taken at a whole-school level to ensure that e-safety is mainstreamed throughout the school's teaching, learning and other practices."
"100% of schools should have Acceptable Use Policies that are regularly reviewed, monitored and agreed with parents and students."
At St Benedict Biscop Primary School there are two main approaches to achieving e-safety:
1. Dealing with the “here and now”: informing and making children, young people and their families aware of the benefits and also the potential dangers of working online.
2. Building learning opportunities to develop children and young people as safe and e-confident learners, enabling their families to understand and support them in this area of their lives.
Please click here to view information about the MOMO challenge.